
How to take it?

Start with an initial shock treatment of 2 capsules a day for 2 months.

They should be taken preferably away from meal times (at least 2 hours) and separated from each other. In this way you will obtain the best results supported by clinical studies and you will be able to see visible improvements from the first weeks,

Depending on the degree of cellulite, you can extend the treatment for another month or even repeat the treatment throughout the year, as well as do a MAINTENANCE with just 1 capsule daily, of course, always under the supervision of your trusted doctor.

What are your symptoms?

Do your legs feel tired and do you notice constant swelling?

The sensation of heaviness, tingling, pain and night cramps are common complaints that do not have to become regular ailments in your life. There is a treatment with the effect of lymphatic drainage, which will help prevent varicose veins and fluid retention.

Do shallow varicose veins appear on your legs and are they becoming more and more pronounced?

Improving blood circulation is key to alleviating the cellulite condition. Increasing capillary resistance and decreasing vascular permeability will promote venous return by increasing lymphatic circulation which is essential for this modern-day pathology.

Do you feel discomfort in your skin?

When, in spite of the flaccidity you observe in your skin, these areas of your body become colder and start to feel painful to the touch. You definitely need a proven treatment that will give you a real long-term solution.

Don’t worry. It’s common, but it doesn’t have to be permanent.

Everything you need for comprehensive cellulite treatment

The Bikini Gold treatment is not simply a capsule to combat the aesthetic signs of cellulite, but a comprehensive wellness treatment recommended by dermatologists and phlebologists in many countries.

Unlike anti-cellulite creams, which act locally and the degree of absorption depends on each skin, Bikini Gold capsules are taken orally and are more effective because they work in a more comprehensive way due to the fact that their formula acts from the inside of the body.

You can regain your confidence and forget about cellulite and secondary symptoms. The Bikini Gold treatment is what you need. Lose the fear of showing off your legs.

Bikini Gold offers you a treatment backed by clinical studies that prove its effectiveness. Take care of your skin as it deserves, thinking about health and beauty.

100% Effective Treatment

If you present the symptoms mentioned above, the initial treatment consists of 2 capsules a day for 2 months, separated into 2 daily intakes away from meal times. In this way you will obtain the proven results and the benefits will be visible to you as you progress in the process. Of course, always accompanied by a healthy diet and physical activity. Buy your treatment in our ecommerce.